The work has been shown at Pori bienalle 2020
The exhibition that didn’t happen.
I wanted to talk to all of you. Visitors or spectators, however we want to define curious people checking out art. I wanted to break bread together and discuss recipes, exchange bread baking tips and talk about it all. I wanted to share my passion for bread, why I believe bread is culture. Nonetheless we gave away out hunter gatherers lives and settled down for it; so we could tend to crops like barley, wheat, einkorn, spelt, rye, teff, etc. Mill these down add some water and finally put the dough on fire, then share this basic breads with your clan.
Sourdough is nothing more than a doughy mixture left unattended, which in turns becomes s starting point for a culture of yeast and lactobacilli, a fortunate mix of friendly critters. Tend to them, keep them fed and you have an endless supply of leaven to make puffier, tastier bread.
Grains and water, this is all you need to provide basic sustenance. How much variety one can make from this two simple ingredients! And regardless at how common the two ingredients are, bread is personal, different and also occasionally ritual.
I wanted to ask you: What bread do you like? Is there any bread that takes you to your childhood? Do you have a story about it? Is there a special place in you culture for it? What is you relationship with bread? Do you bake? Do you make sourdough? Would you like to bake with me? Do you want to learn to bake, make bread, keep a sourdough starter? Can you teach me something? Do you want a slice of bread?
I wanted to host workshops, classes and discussion on bread and everything around.
I wanted to tend to a rye crop and build an earthen oven.
I wanted to tend to several sourdough cultures.
I wanted to bake everyday if possible.
I wanted to share the bread.
I wanted to share